Botanical training at Pentwyn

A wildflower meadow beneath a cloudy sky, with a row of trees in the distance. The meadow is filled with colourful flowers and green grasses. In the foreground are two tall, pink towers of common spotted orchid flowers. A black and white marbled white butterfly rests on one

Marbled white butterfly on a common spotted orchid in a wildflower meadow © Tom Marshall

Botanical training at Pentwyn


Pentwyn ,

Llanbister Road,
(off the B4356 opposite Llugwy Farm)
Llanbister Road , Powys , LD1 5UT
Botanical ID training for Pentwyn volunteers.

Event details

Pwynt cyfarfod

In the farmyard, by the green shed


10:00am - 2:00pm
A static map of Botanical training at Pentwyn

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

Botanical identification training for Pentwyn volunteers with Bronwen Jenkins, botanist and RWT volunteer. 

If you would like to become a volunteer for the Wilder Pentwyn Project or check if we have any spare spaces on this event, please get in touch via: 


Suggested donation

This event is free but donations are appreciated

Yn addas ar gyfer

Oedolion, Dechreuwyr

Know before you go


Ni chaniateir cŵn

Contact us

Chloe Jackson
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