Save the Wye - Beyond the Welsh Borders

River rush

(c) Ed Marshall 

Save the Wye - Beyond the Welsh Borders

Live outside of Wales?

The water quality issues on the Wye affect both Wales and England. If you live outside of Wales, you can still support our campaigning efforts! Use our template letter below to write to your MP and speak up for the Wye!

Cleaning up the River Wye catchment is a key part of our strategy. Our overarching asks are:

  • Enforce the law - We want to see existing standards and targets properly enforced by the regulators across the entire catchment. 
  • A moratorium on any new chicken sheds in the Wye catchment - Until the problem is ‘sorted’ local authorities, government and the food system all have a responsibility in this. 
  • A vision for a healthy and vibrant catchment to build support and help drive investment to create this - We need to start building a catchment that is resilient and nature rich for future generations.
Write a letter

Write to your MP

  1. Download our template letter here
  2. Edit or add to the text to reflect your own concerns
  3. Find your MP here
  4. Send an email/ letter to your MP

What to say to MPs

Whether you write to your MP, talk to them over the phone or meet them in person, it’s important to be clear about what your concerns are, and what you are asking them to do about it.

It’s best to put your concerns into your own words. Talk about why this issue matters to you and why are you concerned about the key issues. 

Once you have explained what your concerns are, you need to give your MP a clear ask of what you want them to do.

MPs are very busy people, so don't be offended if they don't get back to you straight away.

MPs love personal stories. Share yours with them. What does the River Wye mean to you?  

Don’t worry if you’re not an expert. It’s your MP’s job to listen to you - just be passionate about the issue.