Public statement for Nant Mithil Energy Park

Public statement for Nant Mithil Energy Park

Nant Mithil Energy Park Limited is a subsidiary of Bute Energy Limited. Read our public statement here. Updated 28th April, 2023.

Radnorshire Wildlife Trust (RWT) is supportive of the principle, intent, and policy objectives set out in relation to Net Zero 2050, for Wales and the UK. Increasing the UK’s production of renewable energy is a key part of achieving these goals, along with other measures such as reducing overall energy demand and increasing energy efficiency.

RWT is a registered environmental Charity, its main objectives can be viewed on the Charity Commission website here.

Our primary focus for engagement with any planning application is to protect wildlife and places of interest and value for plants, animals and their own scientific interest. 

While we value landscape beauty, our charitable objectives mean that we must restrict our comments on planning applications to impacts on wildlife and biodiversity.

RWT responded to the preliminary consultation with Bute Energy and is in dialogue with them about some elements of the design following the submission of the initial Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping report and the following response from PEDW and the statutory consultees, as this expands on the detail.  In particular we have concerns around moorland birds, peat (blanket bog and heathland), and the impact of the river crossing on the Wye.

We are pleased to note that Bute are operating on the principle of an uplift of 20% for habitat mitigation using Biodiversity Net Gain metrics, however, some of the issues and the potential for damage to peat, water courses and moorland birds will remain red lines for us.  

Our position on the associated pylon development (Green Gen Cymru) follows the same principles.  We will engage on the impacts on wildlife and habitats and are working with colleagues in neighbouring Wildlife Trusts to respond to the consultation that is currently underway. 

We have been engaged in discussions with members, supporters and community groups - as resources allow - to support responses and decision making. If you would like to talk through the development in more detail, please email